The “Truth” About Facing Your “Consequences”

by on September 10, 2014

The “Truth” About Facing Your “Consequences”

I am an individual with Coronary Artery Disease. In 1999, I was diagnosed as such by my doctors and came to the realization that was a physical condition that I would need to accept for the rest of my life. From 1999 through 2004 I went through five angioplasty operations at which time 11 stents were placed within my arteries to help keep them open. Since that time I have been symptom free. While a lot of that is because of the medications that I take and the doctors that watch over me, some of it is also attributable to a lifestyle that has me walking more, watching what I eat and being conscious of my health.

What has led me to bring all this up? As I was out walking over the last month I started feeling pains in the upper part of my chest. This was particularly prevalent when walking up inclines or after having a meal. At first I said maybe it was a one time occurrence. Then when it happened more frequently I said, well maybe I’m imagining it and putting things in my mind. I next rationalized I would be seeing my cardiologist by the end of August, so I could speak to him about it then.

In choosing a quote to feature on the website this month, I looked for quotes first on stubbornness. Certainly I saw myself as stubborn not listening to my body when the first warning signs occurred. However, I did not like a lot of what I came across. While stubbornness can have negative connotations to it, there are times when it can be admired. For example, my own wife had commented to me how at times she has been deemed stubborn by her fellow family members, and she was actually proud of it when it led her to stick through and accomplish something she enjoyed doing. Certainly, I found many quotes of that variety. While my wife did acknowledge in my case my health stubbornness was leading to “stupidity” by not facing up to it, I did not exactly see that as a way to deliver an inspirational message to someone, (least of all myself).

As I did some more thinking I realized that my issue was one of “acceptance”. My initial reaction to the likelihood I was facing health issues once again involving my heart was all forms of denial and avoidance. How could this happen to me now? Where do I have the time to get this checked out, since it will interfere with my schedule of meeting my clients, being there for the organizations that I am a part, etc.? What if any tests I take show nothing is there? How does that make me look?

As the quote on the site this month accentuates, the first step in acceptance of any misfortune that comes upon us in our life, is the belief we can overcome the consequences associated with it. In my case it was the realization that the longer I delayed getting my health situation evaluated by a professional, the longer I put myself at risk for more serious illness. The primary individuals I work with are in job search or life transition. Often circumstances of which they did not have 100% control have put them in that position. When newly in transition, movement forward is difficult for many. They delay taking any action, or the actions they will take have the most minimal of risk for them. However, as time goes on, and acceptance of their fate is acknowledged into their life, it is only then that they are ready to fully tackle the task that is in front of them.

As I write this piece, I’m still not fully sure what are all the steps to resolve the physical pain and discomfort that I have been feeling. However, I have started the testing process. I’m awaiting feedback to help guide me to next steps. What are the obstacles that have come into your life? What is your choice for addressing them? Are you willing to identify the steps you need to take and beginning to pursue them? Or are you choosing to delay action and hope “the situation goes away”?   We are all faced with realizations we don’t like. Acceptance is the first step which helps lead one to taking meaningful action to address the consequences that are part of their situation.

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