Welcome to Absolute Transitions
Thank you for visiting the Absolute Transitions website. When I started Absolute Transitions in 2009, I had already been through a series of changes in my life, and was in the middle of several others. Even now, while many of the past transitions have led me to the life that I lead today, it does not mean that change is still not happening. In fact, the more aware you become of what is happening in your life, the more you realize that transition will continue to be with you until the day you die. Therefore, why not enjoy the journey while you are on it.
My professional journey has taken me from a 30 year corporate career with a major financial services company, to coach certification training first for life coaching and subsequently for career coaching. During that time I have worked with hundreds of clients and have made the friendship of a large number of fellow entrepreneurs and small business people. Additionally, I have been very active in the promotion of the coaching profession, as a member of the International Coaching Federation’s New Jersey chapter. On the entrepreneurial side, I have served as President, Vice President, Education Coordinator and Mentor Coordinator of my Business Network International chapter. As I’ve continued to bring an impressive network of talented people into my life, I have come to realize that the ability to help others connect with each other is an important part of who I am and what I enjoy doing.
The Absolute Transitions website is a great place to gain knowledge. Through blog postings, a monthly ezine and tips and tools, along with the opportunity to receive a complimentary consultation to see if a coaching relationship is right for you, it is always my hope that you leave this site with a bit more awareness than when you first signed in. How do you know if you may be an ideal client for a relationship with a coach? Some of the things I look for in those who work with me are:
- A desire to move forward with a goal or issue which has one stuck.
- A willingness to work toward that goal.
- Openness to trying different suggestions and approaches (even ones you may have already thought of and previously dismissed).
- A positive attitude toward being part of a coaching relationship.
Does this sound like you? Then please take a tour of this site. Learn about the GetFive career coaching approaches I use. Take one or both of our two complimentary e-courses. Above all, if you have a question or just would like to chat, please click on the CONTACT US button above, which will let you send a message to tony@absolutetransitions.com. Or, if you prefer to talk by telephone call me at 201-306-9811.
Thank you for visiting the Absolute Transitions website and please come back often.