The Research Project

by on September 13, 2023

The Research Project

The clients that come into my life come from many different career disciplines. I have worked with those whose major career discipline is finance, others that is information technology, some in sales and marketing and others in human resources management, to name just a few of the functional areas in which they have worked. When discussing the responsibilities of those job roles, often one of the functions they need to take on is role of researcher. What may the most cost-effective way to get a certain project done or product to market? What are the needs of the prospective clients for their product or service? How should this application be developed to make it most friendly and comfortable for the end user to apply in their everyday tasks?

Twelve years ago, when I did my studies to become certified as a Career Coach with “The Five O’Clock Club,” one of the lines I always remember from the material to which I was introduced on job search, is that job search is at its core “a research project.” One will first need to do research on themselves to determine, the type of job roles and functions, and type of industries that best connect in terms of where they want to work. They will need to do research as to how their skills are being used, in the labor market. Identification of companies and industries and needs of those skills is also part of the research process.

Some clients come to me almost hoping that the job search process does not apply to them. They have heard that a true job search may take weeks or months, but they hope they will be different. Either they hope they find a posting, get a call to come in for an interview, perhaps go through one or two conversations, and then are offered the position. Can things happen that way? Anything is possible. However, when items happen that way, an experienced Career Coach like myself does get a bit suspicious. What led to this company hiring a person so quickly? Is the company one that looks to just churn through individuals, figuring if the person that is hired today does not work out, they will look to hire another? What is the reputation and history of such a hiring company.

Other clients are open to working the job search process as it is introduced to them. As I look to make clear to them, they have done research projects before. They may have done ones where they were looking for what was best for their company. There are others that they may have done where they were looking to select the best vendor with which to partner. I will stress they may not have done one, (or certainly not done one recently), where they were the main subject of the research project. Have they taken the time to review what they have done in their career and are they able to state those items in the form of accomplishment statements as opposed to just tasks and duties? How good are succinct are they in describing those accomplishments, (getting to the point of the problem to be solved, some of the key steps taken, and the positive result for their company and the customers they served). How comfortable are they in even speaking about themselves.

Admittedly this approach to job search takes time and practice. However, it is one that not only has proven successful to thousands of those in job search, but is one that builds confidence in the individual. It is one that not only assists them in this particular search, but becomes a mindset for their ongoing career development. Additionally, it helps the job searcher to realize, it is not only a company that is deciding if they have the skills or abilities to work for their firm. It is the job searcher deciding if the companies they are selecting align with their goals and values and are ones to which thy want to offer their talents.

So, think about the work you do. Where does it require you to research and get the necessary information to make the best decisions to do that job well, and to meet the needs of the customers your company serves. And, realize, that you already have the skills to conduct “a structured and research job search,” since you have been doing research projects and gathering information as part of your career for a long time.

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