Opportunities Lead to Possibilities

by on February 28, 2018

Opportunities Lead to Possibilities

A few weeks ago my wife was contacted by an organization for which she did some work about 3 to 4 years ago. She was identified as a candidate for a position that took into account her years as a school teacher. The opportunity presented, peaked her curiosity. She researched the opportunity and the organization it was for, and decided to apply. She was called in for an interview. While the interview went well, it became clear that my wife did not have all of the requirements needed for the role needing to be filled. My wife’s specialty is in the areas of literacy and language. The hire required needed not only skills in those disciplines, but also a wider range of subjects.

However, on my wife’s resume’, the organization with which she was interviewing noticed her extensive tutoring and one to one teaching experience. They indicated to her that one of the other things their organization needed were tutors for the students having problems grasping the overall curriculum. Perhaps she might be interested in such a role? While she is still waiting to hear if she will be brought on as a tutor, the reality is by pursuing one opportunity, additional possibilities opened up for her.

I myself was involved in a similar experience. I was fortunate enough to meet a gentleman who introduced himself as a “technology coach” at a networking meeting. His specialty is helping individuals get a handle on the technology devices in their life and use them to their maximum efficiency. After the meeting, I reached out to contact him and suggested a coffee to get to know each other better. One of the things I knew is that I facilitate a job search networking group. The attendees of our group are encouraged to keep track of the interactions they have, every lead they may get, follow-up on those leads, etc. While historically that tracking was often done “manually,” in recent years our “devices” have become the way we follow up on most things important to us. I could see the possibilities he could make my group aware of that were at their disposal.

I actually wound up with more than I even anticipated. He agreed that he could be of assistance to my job searchers and would love to present to them. In fact, he had tried to get on the library’ calendar where my group meets and they had not responded to him. In addition, his partner was also someone who could co-present with him, particularly on the possibilities opened to my group if they let their minds explore beyond just the scope of the type of work they had done before. When the three of us met for coffee, we clicked immediately. As the gentleman I had met said, we all had come from a perspective of “abundance” as opposed to scarcity. When one comes from abundance they continue to look to build on the possibilities that are out there. They are willing to explore those possibilities and not just box themselves in to “a reality that is closed by self-imposed walls.”

Whether we are aware of it or not, opportunities present themselves to us every day. Sometimes we are ready for the opportunity and jump right on it. Other times however, we can be preoccupied with our day to day trials, and have it pass us by. Or, perhaps we recognize it, and self-talk or have others talk us into why it is not a good idea for us, and we don’t explore it further. It is rare that someone will move forward on every opportunity sent their way. And, there are those who are better than others at selecting those opportunities that might be right for them. However, it always starts with knowing yourself well, having in mind the types of things you do want to do going forward in your life, and being open to finding a way to explore and perhaps make them happen when they present themselves to you.

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