The World Has Come to Me

July 26, 2023

The World Has Come to Me Three years ago, at this time, society was in the middle of a world-wide pandemic. At that time individuals were more concerned about staying healthy or not infecting others if they were ill, as opposed to either finding a new job or traveling to far away locations. For nearly […]

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Moving Forward versus Moving On!

July 12, 2023

Moving Forward versus Moving On! I was having a conversation recently with a close member of my family. She has been through a lot in the last several years. Admittedly many of the items have been quite stressful and emotionally painful. And, I must acknowledge, none of them were her fault. They could all be […]

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Hope Is Not A Plan!

June 28, 2023

Hope Is Not A Plan! During the month of May, I had the pleasure of going on vacation to Nashville, Tennessee, and surrounding areas with my wife. We experienced an excellent vacation. My wife has already encouraged me that we need to return sometime in the future, which is likely, as we have relatives in […]

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45 to 50 Years of Age Is NOT OLD!

June 14, 2023

45 to 50 Years of Age Is NOT OLD! Let me start this piece with the acknowledgement that I know there is Age Discrimination in the workplace. Yes, there are companies that if they can hire the less expensive employment option, will do so, and ignore the candidate that may have far more experience or […]

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“Hey” is For Horses

May 24, 2023

“Hey” is For Horses I know that I am a part of the “OK Boomer” generation. I realize that individuals from my generation are characterized as being resistant to change, slow with technology, and stuck in the past. However, despite that, and realizing that things do change over time, when did it become acceptable to […]

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