Information Overload

by on October 28, 2015

Information Overload

frustratedmanAs I sit to write this post, I have just returned from a networking meeting for those in job transition. I do find such meetings very valuable, as they expose attendees to different ways to structure their job search. However, today, I’m a bit overwhelmed. A lot of information was shared. And, while I do not dispute the content that was provided, I do feel there were so many things provided that it may have frightened those in attendance, and not comforted them. And, I felt that as an experience job search and career transition coach. (How might those who are newly in transition feeling?)

It is easy to spot new attendees at meetings such as these. Usually they’re somewhat timid in their approach of interacting with others. Many times the more timid they are, I can usually tell they have actually been in job search for a long time, and now are trying the networking groupsas “another step they need to try.” Sometimes encouragement to attend is provided by a spouse or a close friend. Perhaps an article in a local newspaper inspires the job searcher to give it a try.

And, again, I must reinforce I FULLY ADVOCATE the attendance at such groups or any opportunity that allows you to take your search from out behind a computer screen and have one interact with others as they move through the search process.

However, the life coach in me also kicks into play here too. When I see those who feel they must look to accomplish so many things at one time, I look to counsel, to take a step back. Of the items they have been presented, with which are they most comfortable attempting? What is logical in terms of approaches for them? Is it the feeling they want to refine their resume’? Is it doing assessment and determining what they want to do next? Do they feel they most benefit from research on fields and companies of interest?

The job search is a strategic process. It often is more like running a marathon than a sprint. Even those job searchers that say “I need to find something immediately” are ultimately not being fair to themselves in terms of what they are about to undertake. And, while cash flow is often a major concern for those in search, part of the strategy is in the early stages assessing just what money sources are available, what expenses possibly can be reduced, and coming up with a plan that will work while they are in the search process. For some, it may mean possibly taking part-time or less than full-time work, while still pursuing a position that is going to more meet their needs on an ongoing basis.

Therefore, if you are taking on a new endeavor, whether it be a job search or something else which is new or not familiar to you, realize you are going to be getting a lot of suggestions at once as to what you should do and how you should go about things. Make part of your strategy to take it all in and evaluate what items you want to work on first, and which ones may be items that you will work later in the process. DON’T BE AFRAID THAT I WILL MAKE A MISTAKE AND MAKE THE WRONG CHOICE IN WHAT I DECIDE. In this process, there are NOT MISTAKES but instead LESSONS LEARNED. There is a difference. Lessons learned will inspire you to move forward in your next steps. Mistakes, (or a feeling of making a mistake) will stop you in your tracks.

And, if you are the support person for someone going through a major transition such as job search or other change in their life, be conscious of the feelings of that person. Look to listen more than you speak. Meet them where they are at the moment. Suggest, but don’t demand, they take steps in the order you say. Instead ask them what is most comfortable for them. Indicate the pros of taking a step, and what other pros may be gained by taking complimentary steps. However, most of all, be sensitive to NOT OVERLOADING another with information that they cannot necessarily process all at once on that journey to that next destination in their life.

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