Me, Them, Value

Me, Them, Value

Recently I was doing a career transition workshop for 11 manufacturing employees at a company that is about to relocate their headquarters, after being in its current location for over 80 years. My job was to get the group aware of what steps they would need to take, now that any of them not going to the new location, are in job search. When I started the workshop I put 3 words on a flipchart. Those words, were Me, Them and Value. Having reviewed ahead of time the material I was about to present, it had become clear to me I needed to have a way to sum up the important message that I was bringing to them that day. It had become obvious to me that their upcoming job searches were going to come down to these 3 factors. Frankly, it is what most interactions that we take come down to, which leads the decisions that we make on a regular basis.

Let’s start with the word Me. At any particular point of your life, but especially one where you are being asked to transition from an environment and a way of being that you have known, to one which may be different, it is good to assess yourself. What is important to me at this time in my life? What is my value system? What skills have I developed over the years? How transferable are those skills? Are they able to be taken to a new undertaking? Do they always appear to be present when I have been successful in my life as I have moved from endeavor to endeavor in my past interactions?

Additionally, in terms of me becoming aware of who I am, the skills I possess and what I offer, how good am I at conveying that message to others? Do others, (especially those who know me well), naturally see my strong points? Am I in a position where I must verbalize to others what I am able to do, and how much I may enjoy doing certain tasks over another? Ultimately, if my goal is to get others to let me provide work or service for them, this is something that I need to make essentially obvious in my communication with them.

Now let’s move onto Them. Who is them? Them could be someone you want to hire you? Them is the someone you want to buy your service or product, if you are in business for yourself. Them could be the person you want to pick you to be part of the team, or be part of the endeavor in which you are looking to participate. In any interaction we have, particularly in ones where we are looking for someone to make a decision in our favor, we must remember they have particular needs. There are certain traits, skillsets, outcomes that are essential for them to want to use one’s services. Those needs or skillsets could be very, very narrow in focus. Some skillsets could be more important than others, even to the point that if I offer 10 additional skillsets, but someone else does the one thing that the individual making the selection needs more than anything, I may not be selected, even with my all around talents.

In job search workshop discussions, I will often ask the attendees if they have ever hired someone. Usually very few hands go up? Then I will ask them have they ever brought a contractor into their home? How did they decide on the hair stylist they use? What stores do they frequent? Often what individuals do not realize is they are often the Them, making decisions that impact how a given person having something to offer may need to alter how they present themselves, or how they package their product. It is a regular ongoing process of life.

Finally, how do decisions usually get made? It all comes down to Value. This past summer my wife and I went to the Induction Ceremony at the Baseball Hall of Fame. While we could have gone on our own from our home to the location, we chose to do the trip through a travel company. The travel company’s services included, door to door transportation to the site of the events. It included a pass to the Hall of Fame exhibit offering unlimited access and no lines. The travel company provided an unending supply of water and cool towels on what was the hottest weekend of the year. My wife and I look forward to returning to the event next year. We offered some friends an opportunity to go with us. When they heard the cost of the services, they refused. Their preference if they go is to drive up themselves, make their own connections, find their own parking. As ones who have experienced the event, we know that will likely mean for them long lines, parking in locations which will require shuttle buses or a LONG walk to the attractions. In addition, with no previous knowledge of the event, they will have to figure out things on their own.

However, we all Value our needs differently. What you may spend on, I may be fine getting along without. What you may spend hours doing, I can’t stand doing. If however, it is something that is important for me to do, and I want to have it work out as best as possible, I may decide to pay for certain services or make choices that others would not.

So, remember, many of our decisions, both the ones we make, and the ones others make that may impact our lives come down to those 3 words and thoughts. What is important to ME, what is important to the other party (THEM), and how in line is what is being offered meeting the VALUES of the one needing the service performed.