9 Suggestions to Keep Yourself Going During Periods of Unemployment

PLEASE NOTE: The ideas and guidance in this piece are courtesy of “Get Five”, a Career Coaching and outplacement company from New York City where I received my Career Coach training in 2011.

It is very common to be on the job hunt for months at a time. When this happens, it is easy to feel your morale slip. Perseverance and a positive attitude are important to any job hunt. Here are 9 tips to help you to stay motivated.

Do More: Do not get stuck in the rut of trudging along unsuccessfully in your job search. Get out there and volunteer, join associations and earn money through alternative methods until finding something permanently.

Expand Your Targets: If you have been looking in only one geographic area try looking in other geographic areas. Be open to the possibility of virtual work, if you have been looking to working only in person. Don’t be afraid to explore different aspects of your industry or different sized companies instead of what you used to do.

Switch Up Your Techniques: Do not confine yourself to job postings and websites, get out there and make direct contact with people. Job hunters get meetings by contacting companies directly. Learn the names of the department heads at the company and try to set up a meeting, even if there are no openings.

Be Flexible with Salary: Expect to be paid what is fair, based upon your trade and the job market for such a position at this time.

This Is Temporary:  Keep in mind that finding the right job can take time. Do not let this fact drain your confidence or motivation. Maintain a positive attitude, use the right methods, and eventually things will turn around.

Keep Positive People in Your Life: Spending significant time with people who are depressed, unemployed, or those who constantly complain about “how bad it is out there” can be detrimental when trying to stay positive about your own search. Learn to keep a positive attitude, measure the effectiveness of your search, and keep on plugging along. Having a Career Coach may also help to guide you through the process.

Remember, job hunting is now your job:  As with any job, some days you will not feel like doing it, but you must. Make a phone call, write a proposal, research a company, and eventually you will find the job you are meant to have.

Find a Job Search Partner:  Attending small groups and connecting with people in a similar situation can provide some much-needed morale support. It is a great way to learn new techniques, share ideas and network.

Take Care of Yourself. Being unemployed is no excuse to let your health deteriorate. Set aside time to relax and have fun. Exercise regularly, eat right, and enjoy the free time you did not have while working.