Movin’ On

by on January 13, 2016

Movin’ On

Vacation timeThe month of January. The time for New Year’s resolutions, fresh starts, doing things differently. I have never been a big one for making New Year’s resolutions. The most likely reason is, I know that it is a pretty strong reality that I will not keep them. However, that does not necessarily mean that I don’t reflect on what has happened in the year just past, and what I’d like to see happen in the year going forward.

On a personal level 2015 unfolded for my wife and I far differently than we thought going into the year. Early in the year it became apparent that her Mom would need 24 hour care at her home. While that was not all provided by my wife, she certainly was a lead contributor. As such, there were numerous days and evenings apart, dinners eaten alone, no long range plans or journeys to faraway places What time we had together had to be often determined only a short time in advance, and focused on making the most of what was available to us.

2015 also saw my business unfold like it had not previously done. Numerous clients became part of my life. Some were a part of it the whole year. Others came in and went quickly, either achieving what they needed, or finding after starting the process, they could not commit the time they needed to move themselves forward. In many ways it was my best year as a coach. I’m proud of the service I offered my clients. There is far more comfort in what it is indeed that I do offer and what I do not. Additionally, there is the realization that my focus needs to be on the clients of the moment, as opposed to those who have decided to break contact.

Yes, I can make a list of items that I will look to do better in 2016. And, as a coach, I am a supporter of one setting goals for themselves and making the determination of the steps they will take to reach them. However, the biggest thing I realized as 2015 was drawing to a close and 2016 was beginning anew was the need to be “movin’ on,” from those things that pained or troubled me about the year just concluded. Even coaches can fall into the habit of feeling sorry for themselves, or lamenting what was not different, or what may have been missed in the year just past. However, dwelling on those items only makes one feel worse.

Whether we like it or not, we are only able to live in the present. The past is gone, (it can be recalled, but cannot be lived over). The future has not yet happened (it can be researched, planned, talked through, even strategized) but not fully lived and experienced until one gets there. So, as I start 2016, I am looking to “move on” from what was. In retrospect, like any year it had good times, not so good times, average run of the mill days and events that for some reason or another I will recall out of the blue either in the coming year or sometime in the future. However, to make a list of resolutions on how I will “change myself” in the coming year, just is not me.

No matter what your plans are for yourself for the coming year, are you ready to let go of the year just past? Remember you cannot relive it again, no matter how much you may want to.

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