It Takes More than Magic
My hair stylist has a quote at her work station that when it catches my eye always amuses me. It reads “I’m a beautician, not a magician”. As a career coach, I am frequently in the company of individuals in job transition. I’m often asked my thoughts on a particular approach they are contemplating taking in their search, or even what I would advise as the next step they should take. While I’m happy to offer my input, often the look on their face or the tone in their voice is one of “I hope you have the magic answer that is going to get me my next job.” And, while my guidance is based on what I have learned through my training, my observations and feedback on methods that have been successful for recent job searchers, I also know that my words are not an immediate guarantee of success. As a good networking buddy of mine who has been helping connect those in search for many years with opportunities that may be available to them says, “It depends,” in terms of what steps are appropriate for you to take to move your search and that next opportunity in front of you forward.
While one may get fortunate and land a job quickly, that is less likely in today’s world of search. A strong job search strategy is essential to success. Moving out from behind one’s computer screen and getting out of the house to meet with and network with others in various forums is essential. Targeting companies, as opposed to chasing after only posted job openings, is often a far more successful strategy. Identifying your skill sets which are transferable to industries beyond the one in which you have just worked, or possibly always worked, is key. Most of all go into job search with an understanding that it is a process, that it is likely a longer haul than you may hope or anticipate and that when you are finally successful it very well will be likely that the way you landed a position is nowhere near how you thought you would do so when your search started.
If there is any “magic” I have found in working with those in search is those who put in the greatest effort and develop the most diverse and thought out strategies yield the greatest rewards. That does not mean there are not disappointments along the way, and even periods of down feelings and maybe even some depression. Those things will happen. They’re natural human emotions. However, if one’s strategy has included such aspects as targeting as many companies which meet their criteria for where they might want to work next, good follow-up with past networking contacts and continued looking to build new contacts through those they meet or their Linked In network introduces them to, then even when down, such a searcher leaves themselves a next step from which they can bounce back and move forward.
You need to be your own “magician”. Realize that only you can “control” the steps that you take and at best attempt to “influence” the steps others may take. A good magician also only does not have one magic trick. They have a repertoire of tricks up their sleeve to impress their audience. Most of all remember that magicians make contact with those they look to connect in person. They do not hide behind their props hoping to be accepted and liked. Stepping out and putting oneself on the line, knowing you could be rejected but having the confidence to take the steps needed to be accepted, is how to best put the magic back in your search.