Choices Involve Being Open to Multiple Strategy Options

May 10, 2023

Choices Involve Being Open to Multiple Strategy Options About 15 years ago, I began becoming attracted to the puzzles in my daily newspaper. One such puzzle that I began to complete on a regular basis was the daily Sudoku puzzle. The newspaper that I was receiving, daily, would publish a new puzzle with each issue […]

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It Is Not a Once and Done Process

April 26, 2023

It Is Not a Once and Done Process I am part of a weekly business networking group where I meet with other individuals in entrepreneurial businesses. The major purpose of the group is for us to assist each other in the development and customer growth of our businesses. We assist the other members of the […]

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Gaining Comfort in Expressing What You Offer

April 12, 2023

Gaining Comfort in Expressing What You Offer One of the early discussions that I have with my new clients that are job searching is the need for them to be able to express what they have done in their past job assignments in the form of an “Accomplishment Statement.” What I will ask them to […]

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What Are the Stories That Keep Moving You Forward?

March 22, 2023

What Are the Stories That Keep Moving You Forward? As a coach, I work in a profession that has as one of its primary goals, moving people forward into accomplishing what they may want next in their life. Additionally, as I get older myself, I see the continual change going on around me. Whether it […]

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Instilling a Sense of Teamwork

March 8, 2023

Instilling a Sense of Teamwork My wife’s nephew is finishing up his 2nd year of medical school. As his classes are ending for this semester, he is about to take a major exam in his journey to becoming a doctor. The exam will be given in the first week of April 2023. During these next […]

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