The Changing Landscape

October 25, 2023

The Changing Landscape I found myself riding to the doctor’s office yesterday. I had not been to this specific doctor and his office in approximately 18 months. I was taking a route that I had taken many times before. What impressed me was the number of items that had changed along the route. Where previously […]

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Your Resume vs. Your Linked In Profile

October 11, 2023

Your Resume vs. Your Linked In Profile Many of the clients with whom I work usually start out by speaking to me about the need to update their resume and their Linked In profile. Certainly, those are two of the steps we are usually going to take along the way in developing their job search […]

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Second Chance

September 27, 2023

Second Chance One of the questions that historically children are asked is “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And, while that initial answer may change several times before that child goes onto further education toward their degree or take on an initial job, a mindset can often be set from an […]

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The Research Project

September 13, 2023

The Research Project The clients that come into my life come from many different career disciplines. I have worked with those whose major career discipline is finance, others that is information technology, some in sales and marketing and others in human resources management, to name just a few of the functional areas in which they […]

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The Human Touch

August 9, 2023

The Human Touch My work as a Career Coach has me connecting with several different people over the course of a given calendar year. Some of them come to me through the outplacement firms through which I offer my coaching services. Other clients may come to me through referrals from individuals in both my personal […]

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