Don’t Act Your Age

May 9, 2018

Don’t Act Your Age One of the things parents will often say to their children, particularly if they are whining about something is “Act your age!” And while the admonition is to help the child “grow up” and accept that they are not going to always get everything they want, or have to face hardships […]

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We Often Find Our Passion(s) in Our Nostalgia

April 25, 2018

We Often Find Our Passion(s) in Our Nostalgia I’m fortunate to live in an area where a lot of individuals who are in creative mediums, live. A few years ago, a number of those folks decided to put on an annual film festival each winter for the residents of the area. Now completing its 3rd […]

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Doing the Next Right Thing

April 11, 2018

Doing the Next Right Thing When I was partaking in my coaching studies almost 10 years ago, one of the items that was emphasized to us as coaching students was the concept of “living in the moment.” It is not uncommon for us as human beings to obsess about what has gone wrong in the […]

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How Wide Open Are Your Eyes?

March 28, 2018

How Wide Open Are Your Eyes? I suspect many of you may live in areas which prohibit being on your cell phone while driving. The intent of such laws is to keep you focused on the main task you are doing, driving, while putting aside other items that can take away your attention. Recently my […]

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“Value” The Moment

March 14, 2018

“Value” The Moment Recently a friend of mine surprised me with a telephone call. I say surprised me, because normally most of my interaction with him is in the fall of the year. We met in 1980, joined the same fantasy football league, and over the years since that time, we have been through our […]

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