A Sense of Wonder

July 25, 2018

A Sense of Wonder Once a year, I make a trip to the New Jersey shore, for a week at a location known as Long Beach Island. Coming to this southern New Jersey area has been a tradition during the last week of June in my wife’s family for the last 30 years. This past […]

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What Is the Benefit That Is In This For Me?

July 11, 2018

What Is the Benefit That Is In This For Me? There is this networking group to which I belong. It is one I have been a part of for 7 years. Its purpose is ultimately to provide me business leads and referrals. Over the course of those 7 years, I have gotten some clients for […]

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Even I Get Rejected

June 27, 2018

Even I Get Rejected When one is in job search, one of the realizations is that rejection is part of the process. That has always been the case. However, in today’s job search world more than ever, I feel that the topic tends to get magnified. Recently I have worked with clients who have felt […]

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So, You Are Part of the 99%

June 13, 2018

So, You Are Part of the 99% A few years back there was a movement called “Occupy Wall Street,” which was a protest movement about income inequality in society. The focus of the movement was on how 1% of the population actually controlled most of the wealth and capital. Those protesting this fact, called themselves […]

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The Future of Work

May 23, 2018

The Future of Work I recently attended a Career Fair given by the Project Management Institute’s New Jersey chapter for their members. The keynote speaker for the event, (one that I had recommended to the group), spoke on the topic of “the future of work.” John Gillen, who gave the presentation, is a Human Resources […]

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