Picking and Choosing

October 10, 2018

Picking and Choosing I feel it safe to say that just about all of us are faced with many choices each day, particularly as they relate to solicitations which come our way. Some of them may come in the US mail we receive. Others may come through email accounts or other social media sites we […]

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A New Reality in Managing the World of Work

September 26, 2018

A New Reality in Managing the World of Work In the last couple of days I have had a couple of individuals in job search reach out to me about how to handle what for them are awkward situations in the job search process. The contacts made me stop to pause and realize there are […]

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The Impact of the Words “What If”?

September 13, 2018

The Impact of the Words “What If”? I was in conversation recently with a colleague of mine. I was expressing my concerns about some upcoming events in my life. After I expressed what was on my mind, my colleague who has dealt with people’s emotional issues for several years said to me, “You just said […]

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Sometimes We Don’t Have All the Information

August 22, 2018

Sometimes We Don’t Have All the Information The recycling pick up rules were recently changed in my town. Items that had been part of what could be included in the recycling bins, were suddenly excluded. This caused angst for a number of the town residents, (my own wife included, who is avidly concerned about the […]

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Facing Fear

August 8, 2018

Facing Fear I came across a quote in my local newspaper today that connected with me. It is attributed to Renata Adler an American writer. The quote read “Fear is forward. No one is afraid of yesterday.” When I first read it, I thought about many of those I work with in job search. Often […]

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