Moving Past the Doldrums

March 13, 2019

Moving Past the Doldrums I found myself in a bit of an unusual place in February. Usually my life is relatively active and busy. During the course of a given week, between job search support groups, client sessions, professional association meetings, and my own personal errands, I find my weeks pretty busy. However, in the […]

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Are You Letting an “Ism” Hold You Back?

February 27, 2019

Are You Letting an “Ism” Hold You Back? I often get the question from either those I meet, or those who are entering job search transition, “Is there ageism in the hiring process?” The answer to that question is “Yes there is.” The answer is not meant to discourage those in job search. Yes, technically, […]

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The People I Get to Meet

February 13, 2019

The People I Get to Meet One of the items I like most about my role as a Job Search Strategy and Acclimation Coach, is that it has afforded me the opportunity to meet a widely diverse set of individuals. That is something that I had never considered when I began my coaching practice. Some […]

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I Need a Job!!!

January 23, 2019

I Need a Job!!! I meet all types of individuals in job search transition. There are those who have not been in the process for a while, and are eager to learn the process and steps they need to take. There are those frightened by the prospect who need compassion and understanding, along with learning […]

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Are You Inside the Box (With the Lid Closed)?

January 9, 2019

Are You Inside the Box (With the Lid Closed)? Somewhere in the early 1990’s I remember as part of my corporate career, an emphasis toward thinking that would stretch established norms in the business world. It was referred to as “out of the box thinking.” While the phrase is still used some 25 years later, […]

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