Accepting Change

October 23, 2019

Accepting Change I like to visit a local coffee shop in my neighborhood each Sunday afternoon. It is a comfortable place for me to have a cup of coffee and a little treat in the early afternoon after church. This past week I went during halftime of a football game which I was watching. The […]

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Prepared to Do the Best I am Able to Do

October 9, 2019

Prepared to Do the Best I am Able to Do A little later on today, I will be taking an overnight business trip to a town in southwest New Jersey to deliver a career transition workshop, tomorrow. While I have done presentations on job search before, this has some different nuances to it. For one, […]

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How Do You Handle the Mutual Introduction?

September 25, 2019

How Do You Handle the Mutual Introduction? While to some extent connecting individuals with common interests has always existed, and in certain professions, (sales, marketing, customer service), it has always been part of the professional practice of such disciplines, the need for individuals who have never previously met with each other to connect is becoming […]

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It’s Not What You Do, It’s Whom Do You Serve

September 11, 2019

It’s Not What You Do, It’s Whom Do You Serve When meeting someone new, it is often common for them to ask you what to you do (meaning, what do you do for a living, or in terms of work). Answers are often either long winded, with a job title that means very little to […]

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The Four to Five Sentence Connection

August 28, 2019

The Four to Five Sentence Connection I have been working recently on resumes’ for a number of clients. Being able to present yourself, who you are, what you do, and more importantly what value you bring to others, is essential when looking to obtain something that you want. In some instances the belief is that […]

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