It’s a Continuing Process

December 25, 2019

It’s a Continuing Process In a few days we not only close out the year 2019, but the decade of the 2010’s. During this past decade, I have spent my time as a certified coach, first trained in Life Coaching concepts, and shortly after that in Career Coaching. Before that, I had worked in a […]

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December 11, 2019

TRUST THE PROCESS I was speaking with an acquaintance named Phil, who I have gotten to know well from the job search support group structure of which I am a part of here in New Jersey where I live. Phil has been part of the job search groups for about 3 to 4 years now […]

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Roving Coach Providing for the Needs of Middle Management

December 5, 2019

Roving Coach Providing for the Needs of Middle Management I worked for 30 years in corporate America.  The last 20 of those years were in middle management positions, managing staffs of usually 10 members or more.  Being a middle manager in a corporation is an emotionally stressful occupation.  You are expected to get your own […]

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Things Will Happen

November 27, 2019

Things Will Happen I awoke on a nice bright sunny Saturday morning as I write this post, preparing for my day. At mid-morning I was scheduled to have an online video conference with a client of mine to practice for an upcoming interview he has this coming Monday. While I have not done much interview […]

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The People You Will Meet

November 13, 2019

The People You Will Meet One of the things that helps put a smile on my face each day is the daily section of comics in my morning newspaper. In a recent strip there was reference to the Dr. Seuss book, “The Places You Will Go.” The strip started with one of the characters reading […]

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