The Magic of It All

March 11, 2020

The Magic of It All I was leading a discussion group at my local library of those in job search transition, recently. We touched on many topics. One of the popular ones is the ways that individuals find out about job opportunities. When one takes the time to categorize the various ways, they basically come […]

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Networking In a Large Group Scenario

February 26, 2020

Networking In a Large Group Scenario I attended a networking meeting last evening. The meeting was organized by a business networking group which I attend weekly that meets in the morning. Our evening meeting was to attract individuals, who like each of us, have our own business and are looking to join a group of […]

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He Wants a Reference!!!

February 12, 2020

He Wants a Reference!!! I am a big fan of old time television comedies. One of my favorite shows to watch growing up, and even now occasionally, is the Honeymooners. Although filmed in 1956, a year after I was born, the show has endured in reruns for decades. For those unfamiliar with the show it […]

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Meaningful Conversations

January 22, 2020

Meaningful Conversations As human beings we have the ability to communicate continually with each other. Some of that communication can be in the form of very quick acknowledgement of each other, (saying Hello, smiling and nodding and then moving on). Sometimes it is in the form of what has been dubbed “Small Talk,” where we […]

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Getting Started Again!

January 8, 2020

Getting Started Again! I hope all of you had a great holiday season. For myself, it was a time with family for the most part. Most of my regularly scheduled activities and meetings were postponed until after the New Year’s Day celebration. Additionally, clients I have been actively working with have been busy with their […]

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