Connecting and Networking Took on a Different Face in 2020

January 13, 2021

Connecting and Networking Took on a Different Face in 2020 COV19 brought many changes into our lives in 2020 and as we start off 2021. One of the most pronounced ones, was the feeling of being isolated, particularly with indoor activities closed in many places, or at least being done under protocols of caution. However, […]

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Being Open to Looking at Things from Different Perspectives

December 23, 2020

Being Open to Looking at Things from Different Perspectives One of my favorite ways to spend my free time, especially in the evening relaxing after a day of working with clients and spending time on my laptop, is to sit and work solving Sudoku puzzles. For those not familiar with Sudoku, they are grid based […]

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December 9, 2020

Discipline Discipline is a 10 letter word that has a number of different meanings. One of those meanings is “the practice of training people to obey rules or follow a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.” A second definition is “a branch of knowledge, typically studied in higher education.” Another definition of discipline […]

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First, Build the Relationship

November 25, 2020

First, Build the Relationship The year 2020 has had a definite impact on how we connect with people that we have never met before. Once the need to social distance, wear masks and not hold large gatherings became the normal, as opposed to the exception, individuals needed to find new ways to connect with each […]

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Try to “Influence” as Opposed to Tell

November 11, 2020

Try to “Influence” as Opposed to Tell As time has passed through 2020, one of the things I began to notice was being disturbed by communication that was looking to “tell” me what I should do. Whether it came via personal contacts, reading articles, broadcast media, social media or the like, I seemed to find […]

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