Sense and Sensitivity

March 24, 2021

Sense and Sensitivity I received an email the other day from the Executive Director of the business networking chapter of which I am a part. One of the requirements is that new members be indoctrinated into the organization by taking a session that helps them to learn the basics of the organizations premise. This session […]

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March 10, 2021

Serenity I was chatting with a colleague one afternoon about a month ago. At the time, I had a lot of things on my mind. One was upcoming medical procedures I would be having at the end of the month of February. Another thing was the continually inherit inclement and snowy weather in my area […]

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Getting Better at the Process As You Go Along

February 24, 2021

Getting Better at the Process As You Go Along My move into coaching as my profession, took place in 2009. Once being certified as a Life Coach, I then began focusing my efforts on those I was meant to serve. Late in the year of 2010, I went to my local library one morning and […]

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Do Your Best to Keep Your Focus

February 10, 2021

Do Your Best to Keep Your Focus Many of my days are spent at my computer in my home office. In many ways the computer, (at least during my working hours), has become the center of my universe. It is where I do my preparation for my sessions with my clients, (preparing resume’ updates, reviewing […]

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You Were Born With a Natural Sense of Curiosity

January 27, 2021

You Were Born With a Natural Sense of Curiosity I was sitting at Mass recently, when a couple with a large family sat a few rows in front of my wife and me. The couple had recently had twins born to them. During the mass, the babies woke up and were being held by the […]

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