Those Seeds You Plant Will Eventually Sprout

November 10, 2021

Those Seeds You Plant Will Eventually Sprout One of the concepts I often use with those with whom I work who are in job search is the concept of “planting seeds.” While individuals will often hope their job search is a short one, where they learn of a job opening, apply for it, are interviewed, […]

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Those Life Transitions Will Come Upon You

October 27, 2021

Those Life Transitions Will Come Upon You When I started my coaching business in 2009, I named it Absolute Transitions. I still remember the story of how that came about. At the time I had gone through a series of life changes, not even thinking about them as transitions, but instead, things that just happen […]

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Choosing Not to Take Advantage of an Opportunity

October 13, 2021

Choosing Not to Take Advantage of an Opportunity My clients come to me through several different funnels. A couple of those funnels are through sub-contracting arrangements I have with companies which provide outplacement career coaching services to those let go from their job. In these arrangements, I am paid by the outplacement company. The outplacement […]

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“Where the Hell Is Duck, North Carolina?”

September 22, 2021

“Where the Hell Is Duck, North Carolina?” One of the things that I learned many years ago, when I went through my training to become certified in Career Coaching, was that the job search process is one intensive “research project.”   Whether it is researching the history of a particular corporation, the key issues and challenges they […]

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Writing a Hand-Written Note Still Instills “The Personal Touch”

September 8, 2021

Writing a Hand-Written Note Still Instills “The Personal Touch” My wife and I were having a conversation recently.  She was in the process of typing up a note to her nephew and his new wife.   Once the note was completed, she asked me to review it for my thoughts.  I indicated I would be […]

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