
April 13, 2022

Empathy I had a colleague ask me recently, if there were one or two words to describe myself as a coach what would I say. The first thought that came to my mind, was I am an “empathetic listener.” As I thought more about it, I said to myself, perhaps I should do some research […]

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How Well Do You Express Your Value?

March 23, 2022

How Well Do You Express Your Value? One of the outgrowths of the last two years under pandemic work-life is a phenomenon that has been dubbed the “Great Resignation,” (which I personally call the “Great Reflection”). The phenomenon stems from individuals taking a step back and contemplating if the type of work they were doing […]

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The Best of Intentions

March 9, 2022

The Best of Intentions During the past month, I was part of two different experiences that reinforced for me that sometimes, even with the best of intentions, items can go wrong during different situations in your life. I must admit, at the time of each item, I reacted in a volatile and angry manner. My […]

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Do You Tell, Teach or Involve?

February 23, 2022

Do You Tell, Teach or Involve? A few months back I indicated that I had purchased my first iPhone ever, during the summer of 2021. Prior to that any of my mobile phones would not be defined under the term “smart phone.” As with any new item in one’s life, there is a learning curve […]

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It’s All About Strategy

February 9, 2022

It’s All About Strategy During the month of January, I had the opportunity to discuss the topic of job search strategy on multiple occasions. From a LinkedIn Live session, where I was the guest of a fellow coach, to a presentation to a professional organization with which I have been very active in their Career […]

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