Your Skills Move Forward With You

July 13, 2022

Your Skills Move Forward With You When I meet individuals in job search, I can meet them at all different points in their life. Sometimes they may be pre-occupied with life issues in addition to the job search, such as the taking care of ailing or aging relatives that need physical, emotional and administrative support. […]

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The “Diversion”

June 22, 2022

The “Diversion” I first met my current wife in 2008 (actually New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2007). Before meeting Carolina, I was told by the mutual friend who introduced us that we had a lot of things in common. One of them was a love for the game of baseball. And, even though our major […]

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I Find This Therapeutic

June 8, 2022

I Find This Therapeutic I have been writing these weekly blogs and monthly newsletters that are a part of my business now for almost 12 years. They started at the suggestion of a business guru who was speaking at a one-day coach’s seminar I was attending. At that time, I was a very new business […]

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Being Open to The Message

May 25, 2022

Being Open to The Message For those of you who may have read my monthly newsletter last week, you know I was quite critical of those who spam my inbox with sales pitches, promises to make me a millionaire coach and whatever other claims they feel they can help me with in terms of the […]

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Looking Back and Projecting Forward

May 11, 2022

Looking Back and Projecting Forward The first few months of 2022 have been a time of significant reflection for me, particularly as it relates to my coaching business and the processes that have become part of supporting it. I still find myself enjoying the client sessions that I hold, and even the discussions I have […]

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