Turn Off the Noise!

February 22, 2023

Turn Off the Noise! The quote on the Absolute Transitions website this month is all about opportunities and possibilities. Opportunities and possibilities may emerge in different ways. They may come from a chance meeting with a friend or new acquaintance. They can come from something about which you read. Or they may come from someone […]

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Discovering Opportunities

February 8, 2023

Discovering Opportunities I have had the pleasure since the start of this year to connect with several new clients who are in job search transition. Additionally, I am continuing to do presentations on topics relevant to those in job search as part of both the job search group I run virtually out of Maplewood, New […]

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What Choices Will You Look to Make in 2023?

January 25, 2023

What Choices Will You Look to Make in 2023? Two weeks ago, my blog posted on this website, explained how I update my calendar at the end of the previous year to note birthdays, anniversaries, and special events for the coming year. After I wrote the blog and updated the calendar for the New Year, […]

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Setting Yourself Up for a Good Start

January 19, 2023

Setting Yourself Up for a Good Start It is that time of year again. The time where I take the past year’s calendar, and use it as a guide to update the upcoming year’s calendar. It is a ritual that I have done now for many years. I learned it from my wife, Jeanne, almost […]

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Your Past Is a Springboard for Moving Forward

December 28, 2022

Your Past Is a Springboard for Moving Forward In working with my clients in job search, one of the items we often discuss are what skills they possess that they bring to a potential employer. It may seem on the surface to be an easy or straight forward discussion, but often it is not. That […]

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