Developing and Sustaining Your Job Search Campaign

Developing and Sustaining Your Job Search Campaign


Many people believe that when they begin a job search the main things they need to do are update their resumé, register with an agency, post as many resumés as they can on internet sites, and then sit back and wait for employers to contact them.  While you can certainly approach your job search that way, often all this leads to is frustration and discouragement as weeks and months go by without any contact from an employer.

A strategic job search campaign consists of a lot more than these steps.  It requires your continual, active involvement as a participant throughout every step of the process.  It also requires your continued commitment to keep as many things working for you so as to always have momentum as part of your search.  In this session, I will introduce you to the essential steps that are part of a sustainable job search campaign.  You’ll learn what the Five O’Clock Club, America’s Premier career development and outplacement service, has learned works for their members based on over 25 years of research and using these same methodologies.


What participants will learn from this session:

•    Learn before even updating your resumé the importance of doing assessment so as to best determine what you want to do next in your career.

•    The importance of positioning yourself through your Two Minute Pitch.  You’ll find out why if your pitch is wrong, everything is wrong with your search.

•    Why a job seeker conducting a strong search targets 200 positions at any one time as part of their search.

•    Why you should always have 6 to 10 things in the works at any one time during your search.

•    Why the goal of your search is not to find a job, but to instead to continue to get interviews and get as many of them as you can for as long as you can.

•    The importance of research throughout your campaign process.

•    Why it is always is in your court to do the necessary follow-up and be persistent in moving your search forward throughout the process.

This session is the first of nine sessions to be presented between September 2011 and May 2012, which will provide you the basics of a “graduate” course in job search.  This first session will touch on many of the topics which will be gone into in far more depth as the rest of the series progresses.

Date: September 20, 2011

Time: 8 P.M. (EDT)

Length: 60 Minutes

Register for your seat now!

*When you sign up for one class, you’ll automatically receive notification of all calls in the series. So you can easily attend the ones that you need or the entire series.