The “Committed Client”

by on October 25, 2017

The “Committed Client”

As anyone else, I feel great when a client that I have worked with succeeds in their job search. Job search has always been, and will always be, a difficult process. Even the most skilled and qualified individuals can have searches that go on for months.

If I had to define one difference in clients that ultimately succeed in their searches versus those who actually may never land a job position they desire, is their commitment to the process. Do those that show commitment ever get discouraged? Absolutely they do. Do they sometimes need a day or two to themselves to unwind and focus on something different? That is actually a good idea when they do it. However, they never detach from the overall search process for such a period of time that they are finding themselves starting up a process several weeks later that they put aside or from which they drifted away.

I have had clients who have had to combine job search with physical relocation of a family to say another part of the United States, or come to the United States from another part of the world. In those situations, it is usually best to take care of all the relocation duties first. In particular, if my client is the one responsible for getting their family settled, it is best they have a feeling of serenity that now it is time to concentrate on themselves and their search, after everything else is under control.

So, what do the “committed clients” do differently than those that don’t show that same commitment? First they schedule regular sessions with me. Often they will say to me, let’s meet at such and such a date, or such and such a point, and we get something on the calendar, immediately. That way, they have a target to focus on to take steps forward and share with me. Additionally, they realize that discussions with their coach are a time to share those things they have experienced, and gain interpretation if something did not seem to go as planned. And, it offers time for us to discuss additional approaches and strategies they can take as they move forward.

The “committed clients” learn that job search is not just updating one’s resume’, and perhaps getting guidance on how to conduct job interviews. I will get clients that say to me when we start that is all they need from me. They may believe that is all they need! However, my experience tells me that they will ultimately learn they must be able to express who they are, and what it is they offer not only via a resume’, but in a cover letter, in conversations with others they meet, when they go on interviews and frankly when they connect with anyone that can help move their search process forward. The committed clients can at any time, day or night, good day or bad day, be able to make clear who they are, the problems they address, and what they can offer if you decide to hire them for their talents and services. Frankly, that is something I myself learned as I enhanced my message of just what type of services I offer my clients. And, when I began doing that, I began attracting calls and requests from individuals that I did not even seek out because they had an understanding of what I may be able to do to assist them.

Committed clients look at each positive step forward as progress. It may mean connecting with an important contact that can help them, being asked to participate in pro bono events in their field, or initially having to accept part-time or contract work. While none of these steps in themselves is the landing place they initially were seeking, I know of numerous occasions where they led to opportunities that were just what my clients were seeking.

Finally the committed client takes what they learn from our time together and realize that many of the principles, (staying abreast of development in their field, networking with others, continuing education), are all items that do not stop just because they have landed a job. They are life-long habits to incorporate into their lifestyle. It opens them up to further opportunities in the future, and also provides a starting point if they suddenly find themselves in transition again, and needing to find that next great opportunity.

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