Is coaching for you? Results

Is Coaching For You? Results

Your Score:

Under 30
Coaching is not for you right now.

31 to 60
Coaching could help you to look at your life from a different viewpoint as well as help you develop a plan to change what it is that you would like to change.  However, if you decide to work with a coach now, you should decide and commit that you will take the necessary action for your benefit, or you will not make life-changing improvements.

Over 60
You are ready for a coach right now!  You are willing to do whatever it takes to create the life you deserve and desire.

Would you like to discuss your score?

Enter your details, score and any message in the form below and press Send and Tony will contact you.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Score (required)

    Your Message

    Alternatively you can contact Tony directly on (973) 762-1350 to learn more about the coaching process and how it can help you.


    C: 2010 IPEC Coaching